Wednesday 7 December 2016

Nespresso Capsules - Good or Bad?

We have all seen the rascally handsome face of George Clooney with that perfect cup of Java... all courtesy of the wonderful folks of Nespresso.

But are the Nespresso coffee capsules worth it?

Here is what some people have to say...

A consumer organization called CHOICE conducted a blind taste-test and consistently found that the coffee capsules supplied by Nespresso was branded as the worst tasting, underwhelming, watery and musty flavor.

So despite the big bucks advertisement campaign featuring our featured actor, the caffeine jolt is not what it is made out to be.

But advertisements work and Nespresso remains one of the fastest growing brands around the world, with sales beyond $US4 billion.  But the proof of the blind test was that expensive, exclusive products does not always mean the best.

So what does this mean?  It means Nespresso compatible coffee pods should be seriously considered as a non-inferior coffee capsule to the real thing.

After all.. a cup of coffee is always good... anytime.

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